
ASDA reduces GHG emissions by 16%

The supermarket said it continues to invest in low carbon technologies across its stores and depots as part of its long-term strategy to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions

Asda has revealed it has reduced the amount of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions it produced last year by 16%, according to figures published for the first time.

The figures are part of the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting requirements published in Asda Group Limited’s annual report and accounts for the year ending 31 December 2020.

It shows that Asda generated 555,271 tCO2e (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) during 2020 across its entire UK operations including all offices, depots, distribution centres and stores – a year-on-year reduction of 109,199 tCO2e.

The supermarket said it continues to invest in low carbon technologies across its stores and depots as part of its long-term strategy to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions (relative to 2015 baseline) by 50% by 2025 and ultimately become a net-zero carbon business by 2040.


These investments include moving its entire HGV delivery fleet from diesel to gas by 2024 after a successful pilot showed vehicles powered by biomethane reduced CO2 emissions by more than 80%.

Asda has already rolled out 300 gas-powered trucks and has another 200 on delivery next year.

Asda added it “remains focussed on reducing refrigerant gases”, which account for 20% of Scope 1 emissions, through the introduction of new low-carbon refrigeration technology next year, which will reduce direct emissions by more than 90% when rolled out to all stores.

To further reduce Scope 2 emissions, Asda has installed LED lighting in all stores and is in the process of rolling this out across its distribution centres. The supermarket also plans to purchase or source 50% of its total electricity needs from renewable sources by 2025.

Susan Thomas, director of Commercial Sustainability, at Asda, said: “We remain focussed on halving our direct carbon emissions by 2025 and will continue to embrace new technology and focus on efficiency across our fleet, stores and depots, as well as using renewable sources whenever possible to hit this target.

“In line with the wider commitments we set out in our first ESG report published recently, we will continue to be transparent about our progress against these targets.”

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